
"Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather it's a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan." ~ Dean Kansky "Serendipity"

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Reflections over the semester.

My apologies for not posting in awhile, Latin is proving a bit of a challenge recently and Philosophy isn't much better.

Speaking of which, I have a major test tomorrow in Latin, kind of like an exam but - well, not. Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow afternoon.

We had our last Philosophy class today, our last Lab class tomorrow and our last Theology and Math classes on Thursday. It's all winding down to a close.

I can't believe I've only been out here for a few months. I've learned so much about...alot of stuff, especially Aristotle and the ancients. It's amazing the things they've come up with without modern technology or computers. You're so taken in by their arguments that even I thought that the stomach was something different than it actually is. whew.

I feel closer to God and I'm more secure in my religion, especially how it fits into my life as a whole instead of parts of it. I feel like I've aged considerably, but I've only been here for four months. The breakthroughs come every day, and there's always a Eureka! moment somewhere. It makes learning extremely enjoyable.

I had a talk with Kaitlin last night, about what we were doing here, and we both agreed that it was the best place for us to be. We truly belong here. Furthermore, we belong here, together. We played such an important role in each other's lives two summers ago, our influence survived senior year of high school. We're still going strong. You may send our anniversary gifts via FedEx, "To Kaitlin and Katy, celebrating four months of bliss."

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, I love you, and I can't wait to see you in two weeks.



Blogger nutmeg said...

Quadruple yays from out here! I knew you would love it, Kat. Sometimes I am jealous of what you are doing, wishing I could experience it all over again.


NOT the exams. ; P

See you soon!

We'll be praying for you, lots.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Sephora said...

Lots of prayers coming your way as you start your first set of exams....
The best advice I ever got from Nutmeg when I was a freshman: don't just answer the question; write everything you know that connects to the subject. They want to know what you know, and this is your chance to tell all.
Finals weeks were the best, and the worst, weeks of TAC life. Lots of--as you put it--Eureka moments, both while studying and while taking the exams themselves. I think it's that Holy Spirit prayer you always pray before every class.

8:41 PM  
Blogger nutmeg said...

I said that? Wow. I was right. I forgot I was so smart.

I need to remind my children of that from time to time...

Yes, finals can be an amazing time. I forgot that, too.

9:55 AM  

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