
"Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather it's a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan." ~ Dean Kansky "Serendipity"

Thursday, August 31, 2006

TACky Update

Well I'm in the middle of my second week of class and I'm starting to get into the swing of things around here. I attend daily mass, usually, and I'm keeping up with the reading in my classes which is somewhat extensive. The problem is sleep. There's so much to do both in class and out, that I go to sleep at curfew and get six hours of sleep every night. Since I'm used to eight or nine hours, that's a little problem. Today I fell asleep in the coffeeshop while I was reading Gorgias for Philosophy, so that's a small indicator. Tonight I'm shotting for 9:00 bedtime.

There are informal dances on Wednesday nights, so last night, I learned some aerial swing tricks. (I was flipped over the guys arm like a somersault) But one that I can do regularly involves landing on my knees on the guy's quad. One of my classmates and I perfected it. I've learned 4 different kinds of dips and a few more tricks so I'm pretty happy.

Tonight I have my first writing class, (I didn't pass the test, but I haven't written a paper in awhile so I'm not surprised) and tomorrow night we're going to have a jam session in the coffeeshop. Also on Friday I have my first beach volleyball game of the season, nerves nerves nerves!

Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated, and if you happen to go out and catch some bugs, if you can spare any, please FedEx them, as I'm going to need 25.


Blogger Sephora said...

So glad you're enjoying yourself. I figured out by my senior year that a light lunch plus a 12:30 'til 1pm "power nap" held me through the afternoons--you might try to see if that works!

And as far as Fabre, a bug crawled up to my shoe this evening in the store while I was picking out souvenir gifts for the people I will be staying with cross-country. I should have scooped him up for you!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Alvy said...

Haha, thanks anyways, Sephora. I'm going to have to try that power nap, yesterday I did get in a nap after workstudy and before studying. Thanks for the prayers, safe travel back to Connecticut.

9:25 AM  
Blogger nutmeg said...

Found a dead cicada in the pool the other day....altho' last time we tried to save it for you, it "woke up" (remember, Sephora?) Would be kind of like a Stephen King novel, eh?

I'll put the boys on it.

Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself!

love you,

10:38 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Maybe Wallace can catch you some bugs! (He's been concentrating mostly on baby lizards, lately, but I'll try to shift his focus.)

I tried to power nap once, and slept right through my afternoon classes, waking up hungry and disoriented at seven p.m. The moral is to set an alarm!! :)

See you in a week! I'll try to catch you some bugs before then!

6:17 PM  

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